Please check back as these will be released starting in June

"Tennessee WhiSKI"
Event #1
Part A
(Max of 9 min to complete; rest in remaining time)
Newbies: 1200m ski
Veterans: 1600m ski
Part B
Find max complex as a team in 8:00 of
1 Deadlift
1 Power clean
1 Hang power clean
1 Jerk (split or push)
Time cap: 17 min total
Texas Flood
Event #2
Buy in: 40 cal Assault Bike (Veterans)
30 cal Assault Bike (Newbies)
100ft lunge + barbell in 25 ft increments
50 wallballs between partners
100ft lunge + barbell in 25ft increments
Max Cals on Assault bike in remaining time
Wallball: Veterans (M) 20#, (F) 14#
Newbies (M) 14#, (F) 10#
Lunge: Veterans (M) 45#, (F) 35#
Newbies (M) 35#, (F) 15#
Time Cap of 12 minutes
**Lunges can be broken up between partners but must be done in 25 ft increments

Midnight Rider
Event #3
Partner run while holding rope 200m
into 3 rounds of:
10 jump pull-ups (Newbies) or pull-ups (Veterans)
20 KB swings to eye level
Newbies KB: 26# (F), 35# (M)
Veterans KB: 35#(F), 44# (M)
For Veterans: Pull-ups can be strict, kipping, or butterfly
Time cap of 8 min
**Reps can be split between partners but run must be done together

Event #4
Goblet Squat/Sandbag Carry Ladder
"You go, I go"
Partner 1: 10 Goblet Squats
Partner 2: One down and back Sandbag carry (25' ea way)
Partners then switch positions and partner 2 performs 10 goblet squats while Partner 1 carries the sandbag to the end of the lane and then returns it to the 5' mark of the ladder.
Then repeat for 8, 6, 4, 2 goblet squats with the second partner on the sandbag carry advancing the bag one rung down the ladder on their return.
After completing the set of 2 squats and carries, both partners and the sandbag must cross the finish line.
Veterans (squat below parallel) DB: 35# (F), 45# (M)
Newbies (squat to parallel) DB: 25# (F), 35# (M)
Sandbag carry 50#